

We are always looking for ways of collaborating, both to expand our operations, and increase our global reach.

We are extremely focused on expanding our geographic footprint via export and out-licensing of our products/pipeline to partners for commercialisation. We are also interested in in-licensing opportunities to expand our ever growing portfolio of products currently marketed in globally


Colonis are interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration through in-licensing. We are actively seeking in-licensing opportunities, typically products which are ready to submit for registration, in the process of registration, or are already registered and ready to commercialise.

Out-licensing and Export

We are seeking out-licensing and export opportunities for our expanding global licensed portfolio. We have a range of generic products available in novel doses and formulations in a diverse range of therapy areas. Our dedicated business development team work to assess potential opportunities and ensure prospective partners have full visibility throughout this process.

Through distributor relationships, we enable partners to market these products in their own territories.

If you are interested in collaborating with us please contact us: